Trip to Weald and Downland museum
On Wednesday, years 5 and 6 went on a trip to Weald and Downland, near Chichester. This term, we are learning about the Tudors and life in Tudor times so this trip was a wonderful opportunity to experience first hand Tudor life. Weald and Downland preserve old houses and buildings, saving them from being knocked down. We were told about how they move buildings, taking them apart brick by brick and then rebuilding them on their site. This meant that we could explore some real Tudor houses and a farm house.
Alongside this, we were also able to partake in a workshop learning about games in Tudor times. Although some of the children had to really think about toys and games they have that do not use electricity, they were all able to get involved and enjoy some Tudor toys and games.
We are hoping the learning that occurred on this trip will enhance all that we are doing in the classroom across our subjects. It certainly was a great day, learning lots of new and interesting information.
Mrs Pole
Mrs Hamilton
Mrs Boxall
Mr Hicks
Mrs Shergill
Mrs Price
Mrs Mullane
Mr Gordon