School rules
The School recognises that character is developed through good discipline but that this needs to be handled in a way that preserves relationship. Teachers are therefore encouraged to handle disciplinary matters in a way that helps improve pupils understanding of good behaviour. Our School has five main rules which are designed to help everyone in the community focus on memorable broad objectives.
- Honour God by taking every opportunity to do your best
- Treat others with kindness, consideration and respect
- Follow instructions without arguing
- Avoid all inappropriate physical contact
- Be on time & equipped for every activity
“Pupils behave in an exemplary fashion, both in lessons and in less structured time. They exhibit strong attributes of friendliness and care for each other and maintain excellent relationships with the adults in this small community where each person is well known. Staff treat pupils with respect and this is reciprocated with good manners and rapport, creating a very positive environment. Pupils understand the need for rules which are simple and clear and they follow them positively. They show no tolerance for bullying or poor behaviour and understand the importance of forgiveness and kindness when mistakes have been made. Relationships between pupils are accepting and supportive.”
ISI Report, January 2023