immeasurably more logo with kings school badge

Help us build for the future

Welcome to Immeasurably More, our exciting new fundraising campaign. We urgently need to build new primary classrooms for our school which will not only transform our provision for existing pupils but will enhance our ability to reach more Christian families for generations to come. We are also looking for financial support to enable eligible families on lower incomes to access our unique provision as a Christian school.

The King’s School (registered charity no. 1106136) exists to provide quality Christian education for pupils aged 4-16. It was established in 1982 by a Christian teacher with a big vision, together with friends and their children, to provide a Christian alternative to state education. 40 years later we are the largest independent Christian school of our kind in the UK. We have a faithful and passionate parent community, a professional faith filled staff team, and thriving pupils whose spiritual development was described as excellent and exam results were recognised as ‘extraordinary’ by our recent ISI inspection (Jan 2023).

So what makes us unique?

Our heart is to enable pupils to develop a strong relationship with God. We achieve this by equipping pupils spiritually as well as academically, through emphasising Wisdom (academic achievement), Stature (personal development) and Favour (relational development).

We are not a school for the rich, but a school for parents who want a safe, passionate Christian environment for their children. To remain affordable for Christian families, our fees are significantly lower than most independent schools. We offer assisted places to Christian families who are unable to afford the fees.

"Now to Him who is able to do IMMEASURABLY MORE than all we ask or imagine [...] to Him be the glory. Amen"

Ephesians 3: 20-21

A New Primary Building

Our primary classes are located in temporary accommodation, no longer fit for purpose. Repair costs are high and educational facilities are out of date. After years of keeping these buildings viable, we are now in need of replacement accommodation as soon as possible.

the kings primary school before and after photo slider

Current Primary Building



the kings new primary building design

Planning Permission

We have received planning permission for new purpose built classrooms. This building will not only provide excellent resources for our existing pupils, but will allow us to increase our pupil numbers, enabling us to reach more and more Christian families and achieve our mission as a school. The cost of the new building is £2.5M.

How You Can Support Us

Through raising additional funds we hope to relieve existing financial burdens (mortgage, build costs), enhance our offering of assisted places and improve our existing buildings. Our main income comes from tuition fees from paying parents which will increase as a consequence of the additional pupil intake when we launch our new primary building.


How You Can Support Us


We believe God has led us to this point in our school's 42 year journey.

Support us by praying that God is glorified in this project, that He will do IMMEASURABLY MORE than all we ask or imagine, and that we can seek His wisdom for the decisions required for the building and growth of the school.


No amount is too small or too large. We would love to have your support. Click the "I want to Give" button, or contact the school directly to come and meet us.
We are developing our community of alumni, friends and supporters, asking for regular, monthly giving of:

£10, £25 or £100 per month  


Help us spread the word about our fundraising campaign far and wide to others who may be able to support us.

Help us reach out to past pupils, staff and others who are passionate about seeing the growth of God's kingdom through the discipleship of young people.

Thank you for supporting us

If our story has spoken to you and you feel you have a heart to support us financially as we embark on our journey to develop our new primary building and grow in pupil numbers, we would love to hear from you.

a photo of 6 students laughing together

Want to find out more?
Don't just listen to us...

Our recent ISI inspection and parent testimonials showcase the positive work we achieve in the lives of our pupils and show what makes us stand out as a school for quality Christian education.

January 2023

ISI Inspection

"The school's Christian ethos, centred on valuing each person, is lived out daily in the school community."

"Pupils' spiritual development is excellent... [they] value the non material aspects of life very highly”

Pupils develop a strong understanding of how to maintain good mental health and wellbeing”“Pupils demonstrate and value acceptance of others and themselves”

Parent Testimonial

“There was a sense of warmth and welcoming that we hadn't found elsewhere... [our boys] have the best opportunity to be loved and valued for who they are, thriving in every way as their God given talents and special uniqueness are nurtured.”

Parent Testimonial

“The difference in both our children since attending The King’s School is remarkable; they’ve grown in confidence, and security, and fostered a real attitude of joy.”“my daughter feels seen and known”