One family

School life

photo of students laughing together

The school day

At the start of the school day Primary parents should walk their children up the drive to the playground where teachers will take responsibility for their classes from 9.00am. Please note that in the interest of children’s safety, other than in exceptional circumstances, we do not allow cars up the drive. At the end of the day parents should collect their children from the playground at 3.15pm.


9:00 - Children arrive and Session 1 starts 

10:15 - Morning break 

10:35 - Session 2 

11:45 - Lunch break 

12:45 - Session 3 

2:15 - Afternoon break 

2:35 - Session 4 

3:15 - End of school day 

Wraparound Care

Although most of our children arrive at 9.00am and are collected at 3.15pm, provision is made for those who need to be dropped off earlier or collected later.

Breakfast Club begins from 8.00am. Children are supervised as they play and are provided with breakfast to ensure a good start to the day. After school provision is also available until 4.30pm. Both can be booked on the school online shop at a cost of £3 per session.


A variety of after school clubs are available from 3.15pm to 4.30pm which can be booked via the school online shop.

"Anyone considering The King’s School for their children, will be making the best decision they have ever made for their academic, spiritual, emotional and social growth. Both my children attended the school and I have no doubt that the environment and staff played a key role in their development to encounter and thrive in the world."

Mrs Pole

"My son joined The King’s School in Year 2. The teachers, right from the start, identified his needs and made recommendations to assist him – provided us with guidance and support throughout, which made such a huge difference to my son who needed both behavioural and educational support"

Mrs Hamilton

"We've been part of The King’s School family for 7 years. We've seen our children grow in stature, maturity and their own personal faith. At no other school will you ever be given a prophetic word or verse of Scripture for your child! They're loved, cherished and valued by ALL the staff as if they were their own children."

Mrs Boxall

"The King’s School has been a huge blessing to us and our children. They love learning here, they love the teachers, they love the atmosphere. We’d recommend it to anyone."

Mr Hicks

"The King’s School's been an amazing experience for not only our children, but for our entire family. The school welcomed our family when we moved to the area, other parents and children were incredibly supportive and kind, and we instantly felt at home."

Mrs Shergill

"The King’s School is beautiful, inside and out! Every day our daughter learns so much more than just phonics and maths, she learns who she is and what she can do as an individual, and this school not only allows her to do this but encourages and supports her in every aspect."

Mrs Price

"The King's School is incredible. The staff are amazing and really care about & know all the children so well. Our girls have come on in leaps & bounds since joining. We love the atmosphere and the whole ethos. Couldn't imagine them being anywhere else now. "

Mrs Mullane

"Fantastic School. I have 1 in senior in his last year, and 2 in primary. The communication between staff and parents is very good. The kindness shown by staff throughout the primary school clearly inspires the pupils to emulate this towards each other. Highly Recommended."

Mr Gordon