Speaking Out on VAT Increases for Independent Schools
As a small independent school which has a unique offering in providing children with affordable quality Christian education, we feel a strong sense of injustice about the draft legislation regarding imposing VAT on school fees and removing business rate relief. We are concerned that the government has either not understood or has ignored the diversity within the independent sector schools and that this policy is disproportionate as it is not based on parents’ ability to pay.
It is important, as the largest Christian school in the UK, to take a courageous stand and speak up on this issue and earlier in the week we were featured in an article in The Times newspaper which explains how, supported by Christian Concern’s legal team, we are hoping to launch a judicial review of this draft legislation.
The article highlights the potential financial strain that VAT increases could impose on independent schools and families, emphasising that parents have the right to choose how they wish their children to be educated. It expresses concern that because of the increased financial burden of VAT, some parents will effectively have the option removed from them to educate their children in a school which promotes Christian values.
I was also asked to do an interview with Times Radio this week which provided another opportunity to raise the issue in a public forum.
Some schools are already feeling the pinch extremely keenly, but we are confident that The King’s School will be here for many years to come! God has been so faithful over the last 42 years and we sense His presence with us more than ever at this time.
We would really appreciate your prayers as we find ourselves in the public eye. My hope is that God will use these opportunities for good and, while it is unlikely the government will do a u-turn on this issue, it is important that our views are heard.
Caroline Santer, Headteacher
Mrs Pole
Mrs Hamilton
Mrs Boxall
Mr Hicks
Mrs Shergill
Mrs Price
Mrs Mullane
Mr Gordon