Inspection Report
A message from Heather Bowden, our Head Teacher,
Dear Parents,
We are very pleased to be able to share with you the results of our recent Inspection. This was a Focused Compliance Inspection combined with an Educational Quality Inspection.
The Focused Compliance Inspection covers the following: safeguarding; measures to guard against bullying; arrangements for pupils’ health and safety; arrangements to check the suitability of staff; the provision of information; the handling of parental complaints; and other related aspects of leadership and management. For this Inspection all standards are either met or not met, and we are pleased to confirm that all standards were MET.
The Educational Quality Inspection reports on the quality of the school’s work, focusing on
1) The achievement of the pupils, including their academic development, and
2) The personal development of pupils.
These are graded as either Excellent, Good, Sound or Unsatisfactory. We felt that in both these areas the Inspectors’ comments were very fair and their rating agreed with our own self assessment.
With regard to the achievement of pupils, including their academic development, the Inspectors judged us to be GOOD – and from their conversations with us and the comments in the report, felt we were ‘Excellent’ in many places, although they highlighted a couple of areas where we could improve further. They commented on pupils’ strong determination to achieve and that they are well motivated to learn. They acknowledged that a “strong contributory factor to their success in learning is that their strengths and weaknesses are well known and support is well targeted and personalised.” They particularly liked our use of ICT and the “innovative” way we deliver our option GCSEs.
However what really thrilled us was that they rated the personal development of pupils as EXCELLENT, and their report on that is glowing. Please do read it yourself – there are so many positive comments – but I’ve picked out a few that particularly blessed us. Inspectors commented that “the school’s Christian ethos, centred on valuing each person, is lived out daily in the school community.” They said pupils were self-reflective, showed resilience and had strong self-belief. They praised pupils for their “exemplary” behaviour, their friendliness and care for each other and for the fact that they understand the importance of forgiveness and kindness, saying “no one judges anyone here.” As I read this I was so proud of our young people. They do us – and more especially you as parents – great credit!
These are just a few highlights. I have attached the whole report to this email and we will get it on the website as soon as possible. I have to say it’s a report we can rightly celebrate and thank God for. It captures the heart and vision of the school, and I trust it blesses God’s heart too!
Thank you again for your ongoing support and trusting us with your precious children!
Kind regards,
The King’s School, Fair Oak report v5 2023-03-13
You can also find our previous ISI inspections here:
Mrs Pole
Mrs Hamilton
Mrs Boxall
Mr Hicks
Mrs Shergill
Mrs Price
Mrs Mullane
Mr Gordon