A Night at The King's Theatre
The half term culminated in an incredible show, the likes of which hasnever been seen before! Mrs Howard, Mrs Lomath and the rest of theproduction team pulled out all the stops, dazzling packed outaudiences on two consecutive evenings.The first half was a short play called Love and Friendship, by CecilyO’Neill, based on the early writings of Jane Austen. We werehonoured that Cecily came to watch the Thursday eveningperformance; she very much enjoyed the whole evening and she wasextremely impressed by the quality of our young people’s acting.The second half of the production joyously showcased our pupils’diverse talents which included powerful spoken word performances;dance, song, a piano recital and a gymnastics display. The cast of 60comprised pupils from Years 5 to 11 and also featured a newlyformed staff choir. All of our pupils are to be hugely congratulated ontheir hard work and should be very proud of all that they achieved:they are remarkably gifted young people.We were very grateful to Romick Services and Sam Eyres Designs forsponsoring the production and we would love to invite otherbusinesses to partner with us in this way - please contact the schooloffice if you are interested. I am delighted to be able to let you knowthat the production raised almost £1000 which will go into ourImmeasurably More fundraising pot.
Mrs Pole
Mrs Hamilton
Mrs Boxall
Mr Hicks
Mrs Shergill
Mrs Price
Mrs Mullane
Mr Gordon